Sunday, 6 January 2013

Forgive - The Beginning of Healing YOU!

Did some one hurt you? Are you holding on to anger that has turned in to resentment? Has this feeling been held unto for months even years? Did you know that such feelings can result in to illnesses that puts the body, your body at dis-ease?

Any type of resentment that you have not let go of may prevent the body from functioning 100%.  According to many well known writers on emotional health and healing the body from sicknesses, such as Louise Hay, shows that one of the causes of cancer may be resentment.  Of course other things can also develop, such as heart disease, anxiety, and a variety of sickness that doesn't allow you to be all that God intended you to be.

So what can you do for yourself?  You can begin with forgiving yourself. Letting go of the hurt, anger, resentments and all other feelings around that for yourself and any other person. It certainly would not happen overnight, but it is worth the effort.  It could mean your life and healthy living for a long long time.

You deserve to be healthy wealthy and happy.  Never allow another persons behavior to discourage and hurt you so much that you begin to hurt yourself and kill yourself. Forgiveness isn't always easy because we have been taught from young to react in anger and hate when others hurt us, knowingly or unknowingly.  However always remember if we sow anger, hate, frustration and other anxieties in our hearts we will reap the fruits of those seeds.

Therefore if you desire a long healthy life and to be happy, work at forgiving all those who have hurt you and those whom you have hurt and remember to forgive yourself first so you can begin to love yourself again and heal you wounds.

With all my Love

Medical Intuitive.

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