Thursday, 27 December 2012

Add Some Gratitude to Your Life!

Let's talk about the big "S", STRESS. One of my co-workers after reading my blog yesterday, said he thought stress was the cause of illnesses. Many people are like him, labelling their illness, as related to stress.  While it is a contributing factor, it is not the core reason for your illness.

Why am I so confident it is not, you may ask.  Let's take a closer look at stress. How often do you have these symptoms related to stress?

  • Feeling depress
  • Feeling anxious
  • Feeling bored
  • Feeling angry
  • Feeling tense
  • Feeling tired
  • Feeling rushed
  • Feeling discouraged

Where do these feeling come from?  It is your body's signalling that your energy level is depleting, like the gas in your car is hitting "E" empty.  Stress related symptoms are a great self checker for you to know that your thoughts are controlling you.  Our thoughts plus our feelings equals a result.  A lot of times our thoughts are focused on negative, low energy things that create symptoms of stress feelings that deplete us.  These negative thoughts are Fear Based Beliefs, and if we continue to allow our thoughts to focus on the low energy vibrations for example "I am not good enough", "how could I be so stupid to forget my keys" and we continue like that for days we are on a sure course for our bodies becoming dis-ease. 

One way to begin to overcome negative thoughts is to practice gratitude.  Why not start today? The Meriam-Webster online dictionary define Gratitude as "a feeling of appreciation or thanks".  Make it a part of your everyday routine to be thankful, for everything, that is good and the bad.  In time you will notice how good you feel and you energy level will increase.

For our bodies to heal from any dis-ease or discomforts, from symptom related stress we must keep our energy tank on full.  We must constantly seek ways to feel good as much as possible even though we have so much activities competing for our energy. Why not make it a goal from tonight?  Why not challenge yourself to be grateful consistently for one week? Start exercising that gratitude muscle and let me know how you feel after a week.

Love & Joy

Medical Intuitive

P.S. Need help uncovering the core issues behind your stress related symptoms. Email me one symptom at yourwealthsystem at gmail and lets' work together to find that fear based belief and transform it into self love, so your body can have a good atmosphere into which to heal itself. 

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