Friday, 28 December 2012

How is Your Heart?

Are you angry? Who got you angry? ... Is your heart beat irregular? Did you know that those inconsistent heart frequencies are sent to the emotional centers in the brain, which are recognized as negative, or stressful feelings?  Yes, it is true, in fact they are the familiar feeling you experience in the heart area and in the body.  These irregular heart beats also prevents your capacity to think clearly.

Scientist has proven through their many test cases that people who consistently experience negative emotions (anger, frustration, anxiety, insecurity), has a high risk of develop heart disease. It's as though these emotions create a chain of events in body resulting in increased stress-hormone levels, blood vessels constriction, rapid   blood pressure increase, weakened immune system ... and the list goes on. These situations strains the body organs from functioning efficiently and eventually leads to serious health implications.

What can you do?  Create a positive atmosphere where you can handle any challenge. Stressful circumstances occur with us everyday, that causes us to react.  Practicing positive emotion-focused techniques will assist you to learn how to manage these stressful events and help you develop a happy heart most of the time. These techniques are taught during my coaching classes. Once used regularly these techniques assist you to reduce stress, anxiety, frustration and other negative emotions which is important in maintaining a healthy heart.

Why not make 2013 a year of taking care of your health?  Giving yourself the needed self-love and care your body is longing for. With the needed support anything is possible. Starting now, allow yourself to feel good whether good thing occur or not and establish a positive environment where you can flourish and grow bountifully.

Love & Joy

Medical Intuitive

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