Friday, 28 December 2012

Do You Really Listen?

Do you really take the time listen to what your body is telling you?  Or are you so busy with your work, completing the list of activities, getting that promotion ...?  Our bodies are speaking you us each day. It may be in the form of a light whisper, a gentle nudge, a feeling. Are you paying attention?

Taking the time to notice and be aware of your body signals could mean the difference been health and sickness.  It could save you hundreds of dollars in doctor bills.  So you feel a slight burn in your chest after eating whole wheat bread, what do you do? Do you ignore it or take a pill to ease the pain and go about your activities like it never existed? It only takes a few minutes to pause and check in and understand what your body is telling you.

For instance you love chocolate cake so much that you eat it whenever you could in fact you lavish any chocolate products.  To top it off you have been eating it constantly for years, but you may have never taken time to observe that every time you eat chocolate you have an extreme stomach cramp a day or two afterwards.  Now that you are eating it so regularly, you have this stomach pain everyday now and when you go to the doctor you are given a pill to ease the pain and a whole list of other symptoms accumulate.  You become stress and overwhelm by everyday stuff.  It continues little by little through a downhill spiral.

Could it be if you had taken the time out to pause and listen to your body signals it could have saved you time and unnecessary stress? Could it be if you had taken time out you would have become aware of your body messages? Telling you it has had enough, chocolate?  You are giving me too much of chocolate?  Eat something else, lay off the chocolate?

Please take the time today, to listen - even for a five minutes - to your body signals.  It could mean your life!

Your trusted companion.

Medical Intuitive

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